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You are reading outdated documentation. This page documents ChirpStack v3. ChirpStack v4 is the latest version.

Quickstart Google Cloud Platform

This tutorial describes the steps needed to setup the ChirpStack stack on Google Cloud Platform. The following Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services are used:

  • Cloud IoT Core is used to connect your LoRa® gateways with GCP.
  • Cloud Pub/Sub is used for messaging between GCP components and the ChirpStack stack components.
  • Cloud Functions is used to handle downlink LoRa gateway communication (calling the Cloud IoT Core API on downlink Pub/Sub messages).
  • Cloud SQL is used as hosted PostgreSQL database solution.
  • Cloud Memorystore is used as hosted Redis solution.
  • Compute Engine is used for running a VM instance.


  • In this tutorial we will assume that the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge component will be installed on the gateway. We will also assume that ChirpStack Network Server and ChirpStack Application Server will be installed on a single Compute Engine VM, to simplify this tutorial.
  • The example project ID used in this tutorial will be chirpstack-stack-tutorial. You should substitute this with your own project ID in the tutorial steps.
  • The LoRaWAN® region used in this tutorial will be eu868. You should substitute this with your own region in the examples (e.g. us915, ...).


  • Google Cloud Platform account. You can create one here.
  • LoRa gateway.
  • LoRaWAN device.

Create GCP project

After logging in to the GCP Console, create a new project. For this tutorial we will name the project ChirpStack stack tutorial with an example ID of chirpstack-stack-tutorial. After creating the project, make sure it is selected before continuing with the next steps.

Gateway connectivity

The ChirpStack Gateway Bridge will use the Cloud IoT Core MQTT broker to ingest LoRa gateway events into GCP. This removes the requirement to host your own MQTT broker and increases the reliability and scalability of the system.

Create device registry

In order to connect your LoRa gateway with Cloud IoT Core, go to the IoT Core service in the GCP Console and create a new device registry in the Device registries box.

This registry will contain all your gateways for a given region. When you are planning to support multiple LoRaWAN regions, it is a good practice to create separate registries (not covered in this tutorial).

In this tutorial, we are going to create a registry for EU868 gateways, so we choose the Registry ID eu868-gateways. Select the region which is closest to you and select MQTT as the protocol. The HTTP protocol will not be used.

Under Default telemetry topic create a new topic. We will call this eu868-gateway-events. Click Create.

Create LoRa gateway certificate

In order to authenticate the LoRa gateway with the Cloud IoT Core MQTT bridge, you need to generate a certificate. You can do this using the following commands:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -m PEM -b 4096 -f private-key.pem
openssl rsa -in private-key.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out public-key.pem

Do not set a passphrase!

Add device (LoRa gateway)

To add your first LoRa gateway to the just created device registry, click the Create device button.

As Device ID, enter your Gateway ID prefixed with gw-. For example, if your Gateway ID equals to 0102030405060708 then enter gw-0102030405060708. The gw- prefix is needed because a Cloud IoT Core ID must start with a letter, which is not always the case for a LoRa gateway ID.

Each Cloud IoT Core device (LoRa gateway) will authenticate using its own certificate. Select RS256 as Public key format and paste the public-key content in the box. This is the content of public-key.pem which was created in the previous step. Click Create.

Configure ChirpStack Gateway Bridge

As there are different ways to install the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge on your gateway, only the configuration is covered here. For installation instructions, please refer to ChirpStack Gateway Bridge gateway installation & configuration.

To configure a ChirpStack Gateway Bridge to forward its data to Cloud IoT, you need to update the chirpstack-gateway-bridge.toml Configuration file.

A minimal configuration example:



In short:

  • This will configure the Google Cloud IoT Core MQTT authentication
  • This will configure the GCP project ID, cloud-region and registry ID

Note that jwt_key_file must point to the private-key file generated in the previous step.

After applying the above configuration changes on the gateway (using your own device_id, project_id, cloud_region and jwt_key_file), validate that ChirpStack Gateway Bridge is able to connect with the Cloud IoT Core MQTT bridge. The log output should look like this when your gateway receives an uplink message from your LoRaWAN device:

INFO[0000] backend/semtechudp: starting gateway udp listener         addr=""
INFO[0000] integration/mqtt: connected to mqtt broker
INFO[0007] integration/mqtt: subscribing to topic                    qos=0 topic="/devices/gw-0102030405060708/commands/#"
INFO[0045] integration/mqtt: publishing message                      qos=0 topic=/devices/gw-0102030405060708/events/up

Your gateway is now communicating successfully with the Cloud IoT Core MQTT bridge!

Instead of using MQTT directly, the ChirpStack Network Server will use Cloud Pub/Sub for receiving data from and sending to your gateways.

In the GCP Console, navigate to Pub/Sub > Topics. You will see the topic that was created when you created the device registry. ChirpStack Network Server will subscribe to this topic to receive data (events) from your gateway.

For sending data back to your gateways, we will create a new topic. Click Create Topic, and enter eu868-gateway-commands as the name.

In the previous step, you created a topic for sending downlink commands to your gateways. In order to connect this Pub/Sub topic with your Cloud IoT Core device-registry, you must create a Cloud Function which will subscribe to the downlink Pub/Sub topic and will forward these commands to your LoRa gateway.

In the GCP Console, navigate to Cloud Functions. Then click Create function. As Name we will use eu868-gateway-commands. Because the only thing this function does is calling a Cloud API, 128 MB for Memory allocated should be fine.

Select Cloud Pub/Sub as trigger and select eu868-gateway-commands as the topic.

Select Inline editor for entering the source-code and select the Go 1.11 runtime. The Function to execute is called Send. Copy and paste the scripts below for the function.go and go.mod files. Adjust the function.go configuration to match your region, projectID and registryID. Note: it is recommended to also click More and select your region from the dropdown list. Then click Create.


package iotpubsub

import (

    iot ""
    iotpb ""

// Configuration options
// You must update these values to match your environment!
const (
    region     = "europe-west1"
    projectID  = "chirpstack-stack-tutorial"
    registryID = "eu868-gateways"

var client *iot.DeviceManagerClient

func init() {
    var err error
    client, err = iot.NewDeviceManagerClient(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("iot.NewDeviceManagerClient: %s", err)

// PubSubMessage implements the Pub/Sub model.
type PubSubMessage struct {
    Data       []byte            `json:"data"`
    Attributes map[string]string `json:"attributes"`

// Send sends the Pub/Sub message to the device.
func Send(ctx context.Context, m PubSubMessage) error {
    deviceID, ok := m.Attributes["deviceId"]
    if !ok {
        return errors.New("deviceId is missing in Attributes")
    subFolder, ok := m.Attributes["subFolder"]
    if !ok {
        return errors.New("subFolder is missing in Attributes")

    deviceName := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/registries/%s/devices/%s", projectID, region, registryID, deviceID)

    _, err := client.SendCommandToDevice(ctx, &iotpb.SendCommandToDeviceRequest{
        Name:       deviceName,
        BinaryData: m.Data,
        Subfolder:  subFolder,
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("SendCommandToDevice: %s", err)

    return nil


module iotpubsub

go 1.11

require ( v0.39.0 v0.0.0-20190605220351-eb0b1bdb6ae6

Set up databases

Create Redis datastore

In the GCP Console, navigate to Memorystore (which provides a managed Redis datastore) and click Create instance.

You can assign any name to this instance. Make sure that you also select your Region. Click Create to create the Redis instance.

Create PostgreSQL databases

In the GCP Console, navigate to SQL (which provides managed PostgreSQL database instances) and click Create instance.

Select PostgreSQL and click Next. You can assign any name to this instance. Again, make sure to also select your Region from the dropdown.

Configure the Configuration options to your needs (the smallest instance is already sufficient for testing). An important option to configure is Authorize networks. To allow access from any IP address, enter It is recommended to update this later to only the IP address of your server (covered in the next steps). Then click Create.

Create users

Click on the created database instance and click the Users tab. Create two users:

  • chirpstack_ns
  • chirpstack_as

Create databases

Click the Databases tab. Create the following databases:

  • chirpstack_ns
  • chirpstack_as

Enable trgm and hstore extensions

In the PostgreSQL instance Overview tab, click Connect using Cloud Shell and when the gcloud sql connect ... command is shown in the console, press Enter. It will prompt you for the postgres user password (which you configured on creating the PostgreSQL instance).

Then execute the following SQL commands:

-- change to the ChirpStack Application Server database
\c chirpstack_as

-- enable the pg_trgm extension
-- (this is needed to facilitate the search feature)
create extension pg_trgm;

-- enable the hstore extension
-- (this is needed for storing additional k/v meta-data)
create extension hstore;

-- exit psql

You can close the Cloud Shell.

Install ChirpStack Network Server

When you have successfully completed the previous steps, then your gateway is connected to the Cloud IoT Core MQTT bridge, all the ChirpStack Network Server and ChirpStack Application Server requirements are set up and is it time to install ChirpStack Network Server and ChirpStack Application Server.

Create a VM instance

In the GCP Console, navigate to Compute Engine > VM instances and click on Create.

Again, the name of the instance doesn't matter but make sure you select the correct Region. The smallest Machine type is sufficient to test with. For this tutorial we will use the default Boot disk (Debian 9).

Under Identity and API access, select Allow full access to all Cloud APIs under the Access scopes options.

When all is configured, click Create.

Configure firewall

In order to expose the ChirpStack Application Server web-interface, we need to open port 8080 (the default ChirpStack Application Server port) to the public.

Click on the created instance to go to the instance details. Under Network interfaces click View details. In the left navigation menu click Firewall rules and then on Create firewall rule. Enter the following details:

  • Name: can be any name
  • Targets: All instances in the network
  • Source IP ranges:
  • Protocols and ports > TCP: 8080

Then click Create.

Compute Engine service account roles

As the Compute Engine instance (created in the previous step) needs to be able to subscribe to the Pub/Sub data, we must give the Compute Engine default service account the required role.

In the GCP Console, navigate to IAM & admin. Then edit the Compute Engine default service account. Click Add another role and add the following roles:

  • Pub/Sub Publisher
  • Pub/Sub Subscriber

Log in to VM instance

You will find the public IP address of the created VM instance under Compute Engine > VM instances. Use the SSH web-client provided by the GCP Console, or the gcloud ssh command to connect to the VM.

Configure the ChirpStack Network Server repository

Execute the following commands in the VM's shell to add the ChirpStack Network Server repository to your VM instance:

# add required packages
sudo apt install apt-transport-https dirmngr

# import ChirpStack Network Server key
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 1CE2AFD36DBCCA00

# add the repository to apt configuration
sudo echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/chirpstack.list

# update the package cache
sudo apt update

Install ChirpStack Network Server

Execute the following command in the VM's shell to install the ChirpStack Network Server service:

sudo apt install chirpstack-network-server

Configure ChirpStack Network Server

The ChirpStack Network Server configuration file is located at /etc/chirpstack-network-server/chirpstack-network-server.toml. Below you will find two (minimal but working) configuration examples. Please refer to the ChirpStack Network Server Configuration documentation for all the available options.

Important: Because there might be a high latency between the Pub/Sub and Cloud Function components — especially with a low message rate — the rx1_delay value is set to 3 in the examples below.

You need to replace the following values:

  • [PASSWORD] with the chirpstack_ns PostgreSQL user password
  • [POSTGRESQL_IP] with the Primary IP address of the created PostgreSQL instance
  • [REDIS_IP] with the IP address of the created Redis instance
EU868 configuration example







US915 configuration example sub-band 1 (125kHz channels 0 - 7 & 500kHz channel 64)




  enabled_uplink_channels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 64]




To test the configuration for errors, you can execute the following command:

sudo chirpstack-network-server

This should output something like the following:

INFO[0000] setup redis connection pool                   url="redis://"
INFO[0000] connecting to postgresql
INFO[0000] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: setting up client
INFO[0000] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: setup downlink topic     topic=eu868-gateway-commands
INFO[0001] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: setup uplink topic       topic=eu868-gateway-events
INFO[0002] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: check if uplink subscription exists  subscription=eu868-gateway-events-chirpstack
INFO[0002] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: create uplink subscription  subscription=eu868-gateway-events-chirpstack
INFO[0005] applying database migrations
INFO[0006] migrations applied                            count=19
INFO[0006] starting api server                           bind="" ca-cert= tls-cert= tls-key=

If all is well, then you can start the service in the background using:

sudo systemctl start chirpstack-network-server

Install ChirpStack Application Server

When you have completed all previous steps, then it is time to install the last component, ChirpStack Application Server. This is the application-server that provides a web interface for device management and will publish application data to a Pub/Sub topic.

Create Pub/Sub topic

In the GCP Console, navigate to Pub/Sub > Topics. Then click Create topic to create a topic named chirpstack-application-server.

Install ChirpStack Application Server

SSH to the VM and execute the following command to install ChirpStack Application Server:

sudo apt install chirpstack-application-server

Configure ChirpStack Application Server

The ChirpStack Application Server configuration file is located at /etc/chirpstack-application-server/chirpstack-application-server.toml. Below you will find a minimal but working configuration example. Please refer to the ChirpStack Application Server Configuration documentation for all the available options.

You need to replace the following values:

  • [PASSWORD] with the chirpstack_as PostgreSQL user password
  • [POSTGRESQL_IP] with the Primary IP address of the created PostgreSQL instance
  • [REDIS_IP] with the IP address of the created Redis instance
  • [JWT_SECRET] with your own random JWT secret (e.g. the output of openssl rand -base64 32)
Configuration example






To test if there are no errors, you can execute the following command:

sudo chirpstack-application-server

This should output something like the following:

INFO[0000] setup redis connection pool                   url="redis://"
INFO[0000] connecting to postgresql
INFO[0000] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: setting up client
INFO[0000] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: setup downlink topic     topic=eu868-gateway-commands
INFO[0001] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: setup uplink topic       topic=eu868-gateway-events
INFO[0002] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: check if uplink subscription exists  subscription=eu868-gateway-events-chirpstack
INFO[0002] gateway/gcp_pub_sub: create uplink subscription  subscription=eu868-gateway-events-chirpstack
INFO[0005] applying database migrations
INFO[0006] migrations applied                            count=19
INFO[0006] starting api server                           bind="" ca-cert= tls-cert= tls-key=

If all is well, then you can start the service in the background using these commands:

sudo systemctl start chirpstack-application-server

Using the ChirpStack Network Server stack

Setup your first gateway and device

To get started with your first gateway and device, please refer to the following documentation:

Integrate your applications

In the ChirpStack Application Server step, you have created a Pub/Sub topic named chirpstack-application-server. This will be the topic used by ChirpStack Network Server for publishing device events and to which your application(s) need to subscribe in order to receive LoRaWAN device data.

For more information about Cloud Pub/Sub, please refer to the following pages: