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Outdated documentation

You are reading outdated documentation. This page documents ChirpStack v3. ChirpStack v4 is the latest version.




  • Fix sending duplicate channel-mask for US915-like regions.



  • Update Paho MQTT library to latest version.


  • Fix task order, first save frame, then send it. (#584)
  • Lock device record on ack.



  • Update Go compiler to v1.19.3.
  • Update Alpine base container to v3.17.0.
  • Update prometheus/client_golang to v1.14.0.



  • Update build to latest Go toolchain.



  • Send also ack errors from mac-only messages to AS. (#596)
  • Cleanup DevEUI from DevAddr -> DevEUI set, if device-session does not exist.



  • Update mqtt client dependency.
  • Update to Go 1.18.


  • Add db to joinContext. (#590)
  • Fix NewChannelReq for LoRaWAN 2.4 gHz. (#65)



  • Fix concurrent handling in case of ghost OTAA packets.
  • Fix missing gateway meta-data cache flush.



  • Add LR-FHSS ADR algorithms (LoRa + LR-FHSS and LR-FHSS only).
  • Add dev-nonce clear functionality. (#570)


  • Log fNS downlink frames for gateway. (#569)
  • Run packet-handlers as goroutines. (#564)


  • Configure roaming Authorization header for default client. (#573)
  • Return UnknownDevAddr and MICFailed errors in roaming. (#574)



  • Support async NS to JS API.


  • Truncate GWInfoElement ID to 4 bytes (passive-roaming).
  • Delete queue-item after successful XmitDataReq (passive-roaming).
  • Handle fNS XmitDataAns as a TX acknowledgement.
  • Fix async passive-roaming downlink request / response order. (#563)
  • Update lorawan dependency. (#62)



  • Fix AS923_X to AS923-X in configfile template.
  • Update lorawan dependency to fix LR-FHSS "data-rate not found" error.



  • Add missing password to Redis Sentinel Client. (#550)
  • Fix disablin ADR (when ADR algorithm is set in device-profile). (#538)
  • Restore the AMQP queue if needed after connection failure. (#503)



  • Update PostgreSQL client library (fixes re-connect). (#547)
  • Allow receiving less tx acknowledgements than downlink items sent to the gateway. E.g. two items were sent to the gateway, responded by a single OK acknowledgement (indicating the first item was sent).



Gateway metrics

This implements the forwarding of the additional gateway metrics implemented by ChirpStack Gateway Bridge v3.13.0 to the ChirpStack Application Server.


  • Add AS923_4 band (AS923 with -5.90 MHz frequency offset).
  • Docker images added for ARM v6, v7 and ARM64. (#546)


  • Remove sending mac-commands in Class-C downlink. (#543)
  • Fix AS923 sub-bands (_2 and _3) in GetVersion API response.



Improved frame logging

This moves the frame-logging feature from Redis Pub/Sub to Redis Streams, persisting a configurable amount of items (default: 10) in Redis.

Note: Redis Streams requires Redis 5.0.0+.

LR-FHSS data-rate

This adds support for the LR-FHSS data-rates for EU868, US915 and AU915. Note: this is an experimental feature.


  • Increment multicast gateway-delay after the first item. This takes away the initial delay of the first enqueued item.
  • Remove device lock if downlink fails because of gateway lock.
  • Move from RSA to ECDSA key generation for gateway client-certificates.


  • Fix duplicated context id (and downlink_id) in Class B/C scheduler batch.
  • Fix duplicated context id (and downlink_id) in multicast scheduler batch.
  • Add stats ID and downlink ID to MQTT handler lock keys.
  • Re-send AppSKeyEnvelope to AS in case of connection issue. (#536)
  • Correctly compute ConfFCnt for MIC (LoRaWAN 1.1). (#540)



This implements the (optional) logging of uplink and downlink frames for gateways and devices to a Redis Stream for external logging and monitoring purposes. By default this option is disabled, it can be enabled in the Configuration.

LoRaWAN 2.4 GHz

This adds the ISM2400 band to ChirpStack for LoRaWAN 2.4 GHz support.


This includes the following changes:

txack / removing of queue items

A downlink queue-item will only be deleted when it has been successfully acknowledged for transmission by the gateway. In case the gateway was unable to transmit the downlink, then the downlink will stay in the queue and the downlink frame-counter is not incremented. Note that the multicast frame-counter is incremented on scheduling, not after a txack, as a multicast downlink can be transmitted by multiple gateways in order to reach all devices in the multicast-group.

re-encrypt queue-items

As per LoRaWAN 1.0.4 specifications, mac-commands must be prioritized over application payloads, this mean than when there is an application payload in the queue with frame-counter N, but the downlink with frame-counter N will be a mac-command only downlink (because of max. payload-size restrictions), the NS will request the AS to re-encrypt the application payload using frame-counter N+1 so that it can be sent to the device at the next downlink opportunity.

Schema migrations

Refactor SQL schema migrations from sql-migrate to golang-migrate. (#525)

Update Go import path

This updates the Go import path to This fixes the go get issue, when importing when implementing a custom ADR algorithm.

Log timestamp precision

This adds ns precision to the log timestamp.

Custom authorization for roaming

This adds a configurable HTTP authorization header for roaming. (#528)

Class-C scheduling improvements

  • Lock Class-C downlink scheduling for device when a Class-A uplink is received, to avoid that the Class-C scheduler schedules a downlink within Class-A receive-window.
  • Add config option to lock gateway for a given time after a Class-C downlink, to avoid continuously sending Class-C downlinks and therefore not being able to receive any uplink (responses).


  • Do not try to lookup NetID of unknown devices when roaming is disabled.



  • Add downlink TxInfo in TxAck message. (#523)
  • Add option to configure Redis key-prefix.



  • Update LinkADRAns handling for devices with ADR disabled to align with of LoRaWAN 1.0.4 specs.


  • Fix max. supported TxPower index which was introduced after ADR refactor.
  • Fix counting uplink history so that only items with same TxPowerIndex are counted.



  • Don't run Docker container as root. (#520)
  • Extend ADR HandleRequest with Region, MACVersion and RegParamsRevision fields.


  • Clear UplinkHistory table for ADR on DR change.



Private gateways

This adds the option to add a service-profile to a gateway and a service-profile flag to make all gateways under that service-profile private. It also adds a global configuration option to make all gateways private. When a gateway is private, only devices under the same service-profile will be able to use the gateway.

Pluggable ADR algorithms

This adds the option to configure custom ADR algorithms through a plugin system. See the examples/adr-plugin directory for an example plugin skeleton.


  • Implement uplink frame counter for Prometheus. (#507)



Passive roaming

This release provides an experimental implementation of the Passive Roaming implementation as specified by the LoRaWAN Backend Interfaces v1.0.0 specification.


This removes the de-duplication that was also performed by the MQTT backend. It also updates the current deduplication function to include the full TXInfo within the de-duplication key. Uplinks received on multiple channels will therefore be processed (and MIC validated) separately.

Add stats interval to gateway profile

This makes it possible to set the gateway stats interval when supported by the gateway (currently only Concentratord is supported).

Internal join-server cleanup

This removes old join-server code on favor of the client code which is also used for Passive Roaming (as both are based on the LoRaWAN Backend Interfaces specification).

Expose gateway expiration date

When creating a gateway certificate, the expiration is now exposed in the API response.

Join-server DNS resolving

When no join-server is pre-configured, DNS resolving is enabled and the JoinEUI does resolve, the the same certificate configuration will be used as when connecting to the default join-server.

Add tls_enabled option to Redis config.

In earlier releases, it was possible to configure the Redis endpoint by URL, which allowed to enable TLS. The configuration changed when support for Redis Sentinel and Redis Cluster was implemented. This adds back the option to enable TLS.


  • Always respond to RXParamSetupAns requests. (#493)
  • Fix healthcheck -> health log line. (#505)



With this feature, ChirpStack Network Server will send all downlink opportunities (e.g. RX1 and RX2) at once to the gateway, reducing the number of roundtrip in case of failures. Previously ChirpStack Network Server would send the next downlink opportunity on a received nACK. In case of a retry, this saves one roundtrip reducing the risk of a failed downlink due to network latency. The gateway will always send at most one downlink.

Note: This feature requires ChirpStack Gateway Bridge v3.9 or later, but is backwards compatible with previous versions, in which case ChirpStack Network Server will fallback into the old behavior. This backwards compatibility has some overhead, which can be controlled by the multi_downlink_feature configuration variable.

Disable device

This feature makes it possible to (temporarily) disable a device, in which case uplinks are ignored.

Join Server integration

The Join Server integration has been updated, so that it is no longer required to rely on DNS resolving of the Join Server. It is now possible to configure a per JoinEUI endpoint of the Join Server.

Geolocation cleanup

This removes the Geolocation Server integration (relying on LoRa Cloud) from ChirpStack Network Server. The reason for this is that there are various options for geolocation, some of them relying on the decrypted FRMPayload, e.g. in case of Wifi and GNSS sniffing. To provide one unified integration, this integration has been moved to ChirpStack Application Server.

Note: This will deprecate ChirpStack Geolocation Server as v3.11 will provide a per-application configurable LoRa Cloud integration.

Gateway client-certificates

This makes it possible to generate per-gateway client-certificates which can be used to implement gateway authentication and authorization. For example a MQTT broker can be configured to validate the client-certificate against a pre-configured CA certificate and if valid it can use the CommonName of the certificate (which contains the gateway ID) to authorize publish / subscribe to certain topics.


  • Expose to Application Server if received uplink was confirmed or unconfirmed.
  • Improve error handling and ignore uplink when uplink is received through unknown gateway.
  • Avoid downlink mac-commands for ABP devices when factory frequencies have been correctly setup and are in sync with network channels.
  • Support multiple Redis addresses for clustering. (#491)


Important note:

This version improves the error handling when an uplink is received through an unknown gateway. Previously this was logged as an error, this has changed to a warning. Uplinks received through unknown gateways will be ignored. Make sure that all gateways in your network are configured in ChirpStack!



Redis Cluster and Sentinel

This release introduces the support for Redis Cluster and Redis Sentinel.

A new API method has been added to the (optional) Network Controller called HandleRejectedUplinkFrameSet. When ChirpStack Network Server rejects an uplink (e.g. when the device is not known to the network, or the activation is missing), it will call this method (when the Network Controller is configured).


  • Change ISM band names to their common name. (#477)



  • Fix AMQP re-connect issue.



When sending a downlink response, ChirpStack Network Server will select from the list of gateways with a given (configurable) margin, a random gateway for the downlink. This should result in a better downlink distribution across gateways. In case non of the gateways are within the configured margin, the best gateway is selected (old behavior).


The monitoring configuration has been updated so that it is possible to configure both a Prometheus endpoint at /metrics and healthcheck endpoint at /health. This change is backwards compatible, but to use the /health endpoint you must update your configuration.

Forward gateway metadata to AS

By forwarding gateway metadata to the (ChirpStack) Application Server, information like serial number, temperature, ... could be stored by the Application Server for various use-cases. The configuration of metadata is covered by the ChirpStack Gateway Bridge.


Previously the first downlink scheduling attempt was logged (visible in the ChirpStack Application Server under the Gateway / Device LoRaWAN frames). This has been changed so that the scheduling attempt acknowledged by the gateway is logged. E.g. when RX1 fails, but RX2 succeeds this will log the RX2 attempt.


  • Update gRPC dependency to fix 'DNS name does not exist' error. (#426)



Improve frame-counter validation

The refactored frame-counter validation makes it possible to report different types of errors to the Application Server which will make it easier to debug frame-counter related issues.

OTAA error event

OTAA related errors will now be pushed to the Application Server to make it easier to debug OTAA related issues.

Downlink TX acknowledgements (by the gateway) are now forwarded to the Application Server. Please note that this is the TX acknowledgement by the gateway, indicating that it was enqueued for transmission.

Syslog output

When log_to_syslog is enabled in the configuration file, the log output will be written to syslog.


  • Implement setting max reconnect interval for MQTT gateway backend.
  • Implement getting the device queue size only (instead of fetching the complete queue).
  • Implement DNS round-robin load-balancing for gRPC.
  • Cleanup old api package (the API definitions have been moved to chirpstack-api).
  • Add uplink IDs to geolocation events for correlation.
  • Remove legacy (and broken) device-session migration code.
  • Cleanup (unused) gateway statistics code.
  • Include 500KHz channels in US915 config examples. (#462)



RabbitMQ / AMQP backend

This backend uses RabbitMQ for gateway communication. See the AMQP / RabbitMQ gateway backend documentation for more information. Please note that this backend does not replace the default MQTT backend.



RX1 / RX2 selection logic

New configuration options have been added for RX1 / RX2 selection for downlink. (#429)

  • Using rx2_prefer_on_rx1_dr_lt it is possible to prefer RX2 for downlink, when the RX1 data-rate is less than the configured value.
  • Using rx2_prefer_on_link_budget it is possible to prefer RX2 for downlink when RX2 provides a better link budget than RX1.

Mac-command error handling

A new configuration option has been added to limit the number of mac-command errors (per device). This resolves the issue where the Network Server keeps trying to send a downlink mac-command to a malfunctioning device.

RPM packaging

This is the first release providing .rpm packages for CentOS and RedHat. (#454)


Update lorawan package

The updated version contains logic for the EU868 band to either use 14 dBm or 27 dBm based on used frequency.

gRPC / Protobuf cleanup

All definitions are now imported from When using the gRPC API, you must update your imports.

Environment variable configuration

Deprecate use of dots (.) in environment variable names, use double underscore (__) instead. (#451)

Antenna diversity

Update lock key of MQTT gateway backend for handling of antenna diversity.

Internal improvements

The (re)usage of Redis connections has been improved.



  • Fixes init stop script which could cause the ChirpStack Network Server to not properly stop or restart. (#447)
  • Fix wrong user / group in init script after ChirpStack rename. (#445)


This release renames LoRa Server to ChirpStack Network Server. See the Rename Announcement for more information.



IDs for correlation

This release implements per context unique IDs that are printed in the logs and are returned as header in API responses. This makes it easier to correlate log events.

Forwards gateway stats to Application Server API

This decouples the storage / handling of gateway stats from the Network Server. This deprecates the GetGatewayStats API method (will be removed in the next major version).

Extend Network Controller API

Next to the already existing HandleUplinkMetaData method, this adds a HandleDownlinkMetaData API method. The HandleUplinkMetaData API call has been extended with more meta-data (e.g. DevEUI, payload size, ...) which can be used for accounting purposes.


  • Add PostgreSQL max open / idle connections settings. (#437)


  • Fix send on closed channel. (#433)
  • Recover Azure Service-Bus queue client on Receive error.
  • Fix unreturned errors. (#428)
  • Fix send on closed channel. (#434)
  • Fix logging DevEUI in join flow. (#438)


Although not required, to benefit fully from the IDs for correlation feature, it is recommended to update LoRa Gateway Bridge to v3.3.0 (or later).

As the gateway stats are now forwarded to the Application Server API, in order to continue receiving gateway stats you must upgrade to LoRa App Server v3.4.0 (or later).



  • Improve environment variable based configuration for list of structures.
  • Update LoRa Server dependencies to their latest versions.


  • Fix Azure Unauthorized access. 'Listen' claim(s) are required to perform this operation. error. (see azure-service-bus-go/#116)
  • Recover Azure Service-Bus queue client on Receive error.



Multi-frame geolocation

Support for geolocation on multiple uplink frames has been added. Using the Device Profile the geolocation "buffer" can be configured.

Prometheus metrics

Prometheus metrics have been added to the MQTT, Azure and Google Cloud Platform backends.


  • Fix NetID 3 & 4 NwkID prefix according to the errata published by the LoRa Alliance.
  • Fix RX2 timing when RXDelay is > 0. (#419)



Prometheus metrics

gRPC API metrics can now be exposed using a Prometheus metrics endpoint. In future releases, more metrics will be exposed using this endpoint.


Even when no application-payload is sent, this can still provide valuable information to the end-application (e.g. data-rate, RX attributes, the fact that the device is 'alive'). (#408)


  • Revert LoRaWAN 1.1 Class-C device always joins as Class-A. (#395)
  • Fix TXParamSetupReq mac-command not being sent. (#397)
  • Fix ignoring packets received on multiple frequencies. (#401)



  • Make max idle / max active Redis connections configurable.


  • Fix Azure IoT Hub detached link issue / recover on AMQP error.
  • Fix load device-session twice from database. #406.



  • Fix ADR setup. #396




Legacy code removed

Legacy code related to older gateway structures have been removed. All gateway messages are now based on the Protobuf messages.

MQTT topic refactor

Previously, each topic was configured separatly. To be consistent with LoRa Gateway Bridge v3, this has been re-factored into "events" and "commands".

Azure integration

The Azure integration (Cloud to Device) has been improved.

RXTimingSetupAns acknowledged

When LoRa Server receives a RXTimingSetupAns mac-command, it will always respond to the device, even when this results in sending an empty frame.


LoRa Server v3 depends on LoRa Gateway Bridge v3! It is recommended to upgrade to the latest LoRa Server v2 release (which is forwards compatible with the LoRa Gateway Bridge v3), upgrade all LoRa Gateway Bridge installations to v3 and then upgrade LoRa Server to v3.

It is also recommended to update your LoRa Server configuration file. See Configuration for more information.



  • Fix ADR setup. #396



Validate DevAddr on enqueue

A DevAddr field has been added to the MulticastQueueItem API field. When this field is set, LoRa Server will validate that the current active security-context has the same DevAddr and if not, the API returns an error.

This prevents enqueue calls after the device (re)joins but before the new AppSKey has been signalled to LoRa App Server.



Add mqtt2to3 sub-command

This sub-command translates MQTT messages from the old topics to the new topics (gw > ns) and backwards (ns > gw) and should help when migrating from v2 to v3 MQTT topics (see below).

This sub-command can be started as (when using the Debian / Ubuntu package):

  • /etc/init.d/loraserver-mqtt2to3 start
  • systemctl start loraserver-mqtt2to3

From the CLI, this can be started as:

  • loraserver mqtt2to3

As soon as all LoRa Gateway Bridge instances are upgraded to v3, this is no longer needed.

Azure integration

Using the Azure integration, it is possible to connect gateways using the Azure IoT Hub service. This feature is still experimental and might (slightly) change.


As a preparation to upgrade to LoRa Server v3, it is recommended to update the MQTT topic configuration to:

downlink_topic_template="gateway/{{ .MAC }}/command/down"
config_topic_template="gateway/{{ .MAC }}/command/config"

Together with the mqtt2to3 sub-command (see above), this stays compatible with LoRa Gateway Bridge v2, but also provides compatibility with LoRa Gateway Bridge v3. Once LoRa Server v3 is released, it is recommended to first upgrade all LoRa Gateway Bridge instances to v3 and then upgrade LoRa Server to v3.



In order to implement support for the Basic Station some small additions were made to the gateway API, the API used in the communication between the LoRa Gateway Bridge and LoRa Server.

LoRa Server v2.7+ is compatible with both the LoRa Gateway Bridge v2 and (upcoming) v3 as it contains both the old and new fields. The old fields will be removed once LoRa Server v3 has been released.

Max. ADR setting

  • Remove max. DR field from device-session and always use max. DR from service-profile.



  • Fix CFList with channel-mask for LoRaWAN 1.0.3 devices.
  • Fix triggering uplink configuration function (fixing de-duplication). #387



  • On ADR, decrease device DR when the device is using a higher DR than the maximum DR set in the service-profile. #375


  • Implement missing DeviceModeReq mac-command for LoRaWAN 1.1. #371
  • Fix triggering gateway config update. #373


  • Internal code-cleanup with regards to passing configuration and objects.
  • Internal migration from Dep to Go modules.



  • On ADR, decrease device DR when the device is using a higher DR than the maximum DR set in the service-profile. #375


  • Implement missing DeviceModeReq mac-command for LoRaWAN 1.1. #371
  • Fix triggering gateway config update. #373


  • Internal code-cleanup with regards to passing configuration and objects.
  • Internal migration from Dep to Go modules.



  • Environment variable based configuration has been re-implemented.


  • When mac-commands are disabled, an external controller can still receive all mac-commands and is able to schedule mac-commands.
  • When no accurate timestamp is available, the server time will be used as DeviceTimeAns timestamp.


  • Fix potential deadlock on MQTT re-connect (#103)
  • Fix crash on (not yet) support rejoin-request type 1 (#367)



  • Fix typo in month_aggregation_ttl default value.


Upgrade notes

This update will migrate the gateway statistics to Redis, using the default *_aggregation_ttl settings. In case you would like to use different durations, please update your configuration before upgrading.


Gateway statistics

Gateway statistics are now stored in Redis. This makes the storage of statistics more lightweight and also allows for automatic expiration of statistics. Please refer to the [metrics.redis] configuration section and the *_aggregation_ttl configuration options.

Join-server DNS resolver (A record)

When enabled (resolve_join_eui), LoRa Server will try to resolve the join-server using DNS. Note that currently only the A record has been implemented and that it is assumed that the join-server uses TLS. Experimental.

FPort > 224

LoRa Server no longer returns an error when a fPort greater than 224 is used.


  • Fix init.d logrotate processing. (#364)



  • Fix polarization inversion regression for "Proprietary" LoRa frames.



Google Cloud Platform integration

LoRa Server is now able to integrate with Cloud Pub/Sub for gateway communication (as an alternative to MQTT). Together with the latest LoRa Gateway Bridge version (v2.6.0), this makes it possible to let LoRa gateways connect with the Cloud IoT Core service and let LoRa Server communicate with Cloud IoT Core using Cloud Pub/Sub.

RX window selection

It is now possible to select which RX window to use for downlink. The default option is RX1, falling back on RX2 in case of a scheduling error. Refer to Configuration documentation for more information.


Battery status

LoRa Server now sends the battery-level as a percentage to the application-server. The battery field (0...255) will be removed in the next major release.

The downlink scheduler parameters are now configurable. Refer to Configuration documentation for more information. #355.




This adds support for geolocation through an external geolocation-server, for example LoRa Geo Server. See Configuration for configuration options.

Fine-timestamp decryption

This adds support for configuring the fine-timestamp decryption key per gateway (board).


  • Ignore unknown JSON fields when using the json marshaler.
  • Fix TX-power override for Class-B and Class-C. (#352)



Multicast support

This adds experimental support for creating multicast-groups to which devices can be assigned (potentially covered by multiple gateways).

Updated data-format between LoRa Server and LoRa Gateway Bridge

Note that this is a backwards compatible change as LoRa Server is able to automatically detect the used serizalization format based on the data sent by the LoRa Gateway Bridge.

Protocol Buffer data serialization

This adds support for the Protocol Buffers data serialization introduced by LoRa Gateway Bridge v2.5.0 to save on bandwidth between the LoRa Gateway Bridge and the MQTT.

New JSON format

The new JSON structure re-uses the messages defined for Protocol Buffers based serialization.


  • Make Redis pool size and idle timeout configurable.


  • Fix panic on empty routing-profile CA cert (#349)



  • Fix flush device- and service-profile cache on clean database. (#345)



  • Use gofrs/uuid UUID library as satori/go.uuid is not truly random. (#342)
  • Flush device- and service-profile cache when migrating from v1 to v2. (lora-app-server#254)
  • Set board and antenna on downlink. (#341)


Upgrade nodes

Before upgrading to v2, first make sure you have the latest v1 installed and running (including LoRa App Server). As always, it is recommended to make a backup first :-)


  • LoRaWAN 1.1 support!
  • Support for signaling received (encrypted) AppSKey from join-server to application-server on security context change.
  • Support for Key Encryption Keys, used for handling encrypted keys from the join-server.


  • LoRa Server calls the SetDeviceStatus API method of LoRa App Server when it receives a DevStatusAns mac-command.
  • Device-sessions are stored using Protobuf encoding in Redis (more compact storage).
  • Cleanup of gRPC API methods and arguments to follow the Protobuf style-guide and to make message re-usable. When you're integrating directly with the LoRa Server gRPC API, then you must update your API client as these changes are backwards incompatible!
  • Config option added to globally disable ADR.
  • Config option added to override default downlink tx power.



  • Config option added to disable mac-commands (for testing).


This marks the first stable release!

Upgrade notes

  • First make sure you have v0.26.3 installed and running (including LoRa App Server v21.1).
  • Then ugrade to v1.0.0.

See Downloads for pre-compiled binaries or instructions how to setup the Debian / Ubuntu repository for v1.x.


  • Code to remain backwards compatible with environment-variable based configuration has been removed.
  • Code to migrate node- to device-sessions has been removed.
  • Code to migrate channel-configuration to gateway-profiles has been removed.
  • Old unused tables (kept for upgrade migration code) have been removed from db.



  • Fixes an "index out of range" issue when removing conflicting mac-commands. (#323)



  • On decreasing the TXPower index to 0 (nACKed by Microchip RN devices), LoRa Server would keep sending LinkADRReq mac-commands. On a TXPower index 0 nACK, LoRa Server will now set the min TXPower index to 1 as a workaround.
  • On deleting a device, the device-session is now flushed.
  • NewChannelReq and LinkADRReq mac-commands were sometimes sent together, causing the new channel to be disabled by the LinkADRReq channel-mask (not aware yet about the new channel).


  • NbTrans is set to 1 on activation, to avoid transitioning from 0 to 1 (effectively the same).



  • HandleUplinkData API call to the application-server is now handled async.
  • Skip frame-counter check can now be set per device (so it can be used for OTAA devices).


  • storage.ErrAlreadyExists was not mapped to the correct gRPC API error.



  • (Gateway) channel-configuration has been refactored into gateway-profiles and configuration updates are now sent over MQTT to the gateway.
  • This requires LoRa Gateway Bridge 2.4.0 or up.
  • This requires LoRa App Server 0.20.0 or up.
  • This deprecates the LoRa Channel Manager service.
  • This removes the Gateway gRPC service (which was running by default on port 8002).
  • This removes the channel-configuration related gRPC methods from the NetworkServer gRPC service.
  • This adds gateway-profile related gRPC methods to the NetworkServer gRPC service.

  • FSK support when permitted by the LoRaWAN ISM band.

  • Note that the ADR engine will only use the data-rates of the pre-defined multi data-rate channels.


  • Fix leaking Redis connections on pubsub subscriber (#313.

Upgrade notes:

In order to automatically migrate the existing channel-configuration into the new gateway-profiles, first upgrade LoRa Server and restart it. After upgrading LoRa App Server and restarting it, all channel-configurations will be migrated and associated to the gateways. As always, it is advised to first make a backup of your (PostgreSQL) database.



  • Add RU_864_870 as configuration option (thanks @belovictor)


  • Expose the following MQTT options for the MQTT gateway backend:
  • QoS (quality of service)
  • Client ID
  • Clean session on connect
  • Add GetVersion API method returning the LoRa Server version + configured region.
  • Refactor lorawan/band package with support for max payload-size per LoRaWAN mac version and Regional Parameters revision.
  • This avoids packetloss in case a device does not implement the latest LoRaWAN Regional Parameters revision and the max payload-size values have been updated.


  • MQTT topics were hardcoded in configuration file template, this has been fixed.
  • Fix network_contoller -> network_controller typo (#302)
  • Fix typo in pubsub key (resulting in ugly Redis keys) (#296)



  • Class-B support! See Device classes for more information on Class-B.
  • Class-B configuration can be found under the network_server.network_settings.class_b configuration section.
  • Note: This requires LoRa Gateway Bridge 2.2.0 or up.

  • Extended support for extra channel configuration using the NewChannelReq mac-command. This makes it possible to:

  • Configure up to 16 channels in total (if supported by the LoRaWAN region).
  • Configure the min / max data-rate range for these extra channels.

  • Implement RXParamSetup mac-command. After a configuration file change, LoRa Server will push the RX2 frequency, RX2 data-rate and RX1 data-rate offset for activated devices.

  • Implement RXTimingSetup mac-command. After a configuration file change, LoRa Server will push the RX delay for activated devices.



  • The uplink, stats and ack topic contained invalid defaults.



  • MQTT topics are now configurable through the configuration file. See Configuration.

  • Internal cleanup of mac-command handling.

  • When issuing mac-commands, they are directly added to the downlink context instead of being stored in Redis and then retrieved.
  • For API consistency, the gRPC method EnqueueDownlinkMACCommand has been renamed to CreateMACCommandQueueItem.


  • Fix typo in create_gateway_on_stats config mapping. (thanks @mkiiskila, #295)



  • Fix basing tx-power value on wrong SNR value (thanks @x0y1z2, #293)



  • LoRa Server uses a new configuration file format. See configuration for more information.
  • StreamFrameLogsForGateway API method has been added to stream frames for a given gateway MAC.
  • StreamFrameLogsForDevice API method has been added to stream frames for a given DevEUI.
  • Support MQTT client certificate authentication (#284).


  • GetFrameLogsForDevEUI API method has been removed. The frame_log table will be removed from the database in the next release!

Upgrade notes:

When upgrading using the .deb package / using apt or apt-get, your configuration will be automatically migrated for you. In any other case, please see configuration.



  • Device-status (battery and link margin) returns 256 as value when battery and / or margin status is (yet) not available.
  • Extra logging has been added:
  • gRPC API calls (to the gRPC server and by the gRPC clients) are logged as info
  • Executed SQL queries are logged as debug
  • LoRa Server will wait 2 seconds between scheduling Class-C downlink transmissions to the same device, to avoid that sequential Class-C downlink transmissions collide (in case of running a cluster of LoRa Server instances).

Internal changes:

  • The project moved to using dep as vendoring tool. In case you run into compiling issues, remove the vendor folder (which is not part of the repository anymore) and run make requirements.



  • Implement client certificate validation for incoming API connections.
  • Implement client certificate for API connections to LoRa App Server.

This removes the following CLI options:

  • --as-ca-cert
  • --as-tls-cert
  • --as-tls-key

See for more information:



  • LoRa Server sets a random token for each downlink transmission.


  • Add missing nil pointer check for Time (#280)
  • Fix increase of NbTrans (re-transmissions) in case of early packetloss.
  • Fix decreasing NbTrans (this only happened in case of data-rate or TX power change).



  • The management of the downlink device-queue has moved to LoRa Server. Based on the device-class (A or C and in the future B), LoRa Server will decide how to schedule the downlink transmission.
  • LoRa Server sends nACK on Class-C confirmed downlink timeout (can be set in the device-profile) to the application-server.


Working towards a consistent and stable API, the following API changes have been made:

Application-server API

  • HandleDataDownACK renamed to HandleDownlinkACK
  • HandleDataUp renamed to HandleUplinkData
  • HandleProprietaryUp renamed to HandleProprietaryUplink
  • GetDataDown has been removed (as LoRa Server is now responsible for the downlink queue)

Network-server API

  • Added
  • CreateDeviceQueueItem
  • FlushDeviceQueueForDevEUI
  • GetDeviceQueueItemsForDevEUI

  • Removed

  • SendDownlinkData

Note: these changes require LoRa App Server 0.15.0 or higher.



  • Service-profile DevStatusReqFreq option has been implemented (periodical device-status request).


  • RX2 data-rate was set incorrectly, causing maximum payload size exceeded errors. (thanks @maxximal)


  • Prefix de-duplication Redis keys with lora:ns: instead of loraserver: for consistency.


Note: this release brings many changes! Make sure (as always) to make a backup of your PostgreSQL and Redis database before upgrading.


  • Data-model refactor to implement service-profile, device-profile and routing-profile storage as defined in the LoRaWAN backend interfaces.

  • LoRa Server now uses the LoRa App Server Join-Server API as specified by the LoRaWAN backend interfaces specification (currently hard-configured endpoint).

  • Adaptive data-rate configuration is now globally configured by LoRa Server. See configuration.

  • OTAA RX configuration (RX1 delay, RX1 data-rate offset and RX2 dat-rate) is now globally configured by LoRa Server. See configuration.

API changes:

  • Service-profile CRUD methods added
  • Device-profile CRUD methods added
  • Routing-profile CRUD methods added
  • Device CRUD methods added
  • Device (de)activation methods added
  • Node-session related methods have been removed
  • EnqueueDataDownMACCommand renamed to EnqueueDownlinkMACCommand
  • PushDataDown renamed to SendDownlinkData

How to upgrade

Note: this release brings many changes! Make sure (as always) to make a backup of your PostgreSQL and Redis database before upgrading.

Note: When LoRa App Server is running on a different server than LoRa Server, make sure to set the --js-server / JS_SERVER (default localhost:8003).

This release depends on the latest LoRa App Server release (0.14). Upgrade LoRa Server first, then proceed with upgrading LoRa App Server. See also the LoRa App Server changelog.



  • Implement sending and receiving 'Proprietary' LoRaWAN message type. LoRa Server now implements an API method for sending downlink LoRaWAN frames using the 'Proprietary' message-type. 'Proprietary' uplink messages will be de-duplicated by LoRa Server, before being forwarded to LoRa App Server.

  • ARM64 binaries are now provided.

Internal improvements:

  • Various parts of the codebase have been cleaned up in preparation for the upcoming LoRaWAN 1.1 changes.



  • Add support for IN_865_867 ISM band.


  • Remove gateway location and altitude 'nullable' option in the database. This removes some complexity and fixes a nil pointer issue when compiled using Go < 1.8 (#210).

  • Update AU_915_928 data-rates according to the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters 1.0.2 specification.

  • Better handling of ADR and TXPower nACK. In case of a nACK, LoRa Server will set the max supported DR / TXPower to the requested value - 1.

  • The ADR engine sets the stored node TXPower to 0 when the node uses an "unexpected" data-rate for uplink. This is to deal with nodes that are regaining connectivity by lowering the data-rate and setting the TXPower back to 0.



  • LoRa Server now offers the possiblity to configure channel-plans which can be assigned to gateways. It exposes an API (by default on port 8002) which can be used by LoRa Gateway Config. An UI for channel-configurations is provided by LoRa App Server version 0.11.0+.

Note: Before upgrading, make sure to configure the --gw-server-jwt-secret / GW_SERVER_JWT_SECRET configuration flag!



  • The ADR engine has been updated together with the lorawan/band package which now implements the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters 1.0.2 specification.


  • Removed RU_864_869 band. This band is not officially defined by the LoRa Alliance.

Note: To deal with nodes implementing the Regional Parameters 1.0 and nodes implementing 1.0.2, the ADR engine will now only increase the TX power index of the node by one step. This is to avoid that the ADR engine would switch a node to an unsupported TX power index.



  • --gw-mqtt-ca-cert / GW_MQTT_CA_CERT configuration flag was added to specify an optional CA certificate (thanks @siscia).


  • MQTT client library update which fixes an issue where during a failed re-connect the protocol version would be downgraded (paho.mqtt.golang#116).



  • NetworkServer.EnqueueDataDownMACCommand has been refactored in order to support sending of mac-command blocks (guaranteed to be sent as a single frame). Acknowledgements on mac-commands sent throught the API will be sent to the NetworkController.HandleDataUpMACCommandRequest API method.
  • NetworkController.HandleDataUpMACCommandRequest has been updated to handle blocks of mac-commands.
  • NetworkController.HandleError method has been removed.

Note: In case you are using the gRPC API interface of LoRa Server, this might be a breaking change because of the above changes to the APi methods. For a code-example, please see the Network-controller documentation.




  • Add configuration option to log all uplink / downlink frames into a database (--log-node-frames / LOG_NODE_FRAMES).



  • Do not reset downlink frame-counter in case of relax frame-counter mode as this would also reset the downlink counter on a re-transmit.



  • TTL of node-sessions in Redis is now configurable through --node-session-ttl / NODE_SESSION_TTL config flag. This makes it possible to configure the time after which a node-session expires after no activity (#100).
  • Relax frame-counter mode has been changed to disable frame-counter check mode to deal with different devices (#133).



  • Add --extra-frequencies / EXTRA_FREQUENCIES config option to configure additional channels (in case supported by the selected ISM band).
  • Add --enable-uplink-channels / ENABLE_UPLINK_CHANNELS config option to configure the uplink channels active on the network.
  • Make adaptive data-rate (ADR) available to every ISM band.



  • Fix getting gateway stats when start timestamp is in an other timezone than end timestamp (eg. in case of Europe/Amsterdam when changing from CET to CEST).


Note: LoRa Server now requires a PostgreSQL (9.5+) database to persist the gateway data. See getting started for more information.


  • Gateway management and gateway stats:
    • API methods have been added to manage gateways (including GPS location).
    • GPS location of receiving gateways is added to uplink frames published to the application-server.
    • Gateway stats (rx / tx) are aggregated on intervals specified in --gw-stats-aggregation-intervals (make sure to set the correct --timezone!).
    • When --gw-create-on-stats is set, then gateways will be automatically created when receiving gateway stats.
  • LoRa Server will retry to connect to the MQTT broker when it isn't available (yet) on startup, instead of failing.



  • Fix error handling for creating a node-session that already exists
  • Fix delete node-session regression introduced in 0.15.0



  • Node-sessions are now stored by DevEUI. Before the node-sessions were stored by DevAddr. In case a single DevAddr is used by multiple nodes, the NwkSKey is used for retrieving the corresponding node-session.

Note: Data will be automatically migrated into the new format. As this process is not reversible it is recommended to make a backup of the Redis database before upgrading.



  • Add mac-commands (if any) to LoRaWAN frame for Class-C transmissions.



  • Class C support. When a node is configured as Class-C device, downlink data can be pushed to it using the NetworkServer.PushDataDown API method.


  • RU 864 - 869 band configuration has been updated (see #113)



  • The following band configurations have been added:
    • AS 923
    • CN 779 - 787
    • EU 433
    • KR 920 - 923
    • RU 864 - 869
  • Flags for repeater compatibility configuration and dwell-time limitation (400ms) have been added (see configuration)



  • De-duplication delay can be configured with --deduplication-delay or DEDUPLICATION_DELAY environment variable (default 200ms)
  • Get downlink data delay (delay between uplink delivery and getting the downlink data from the application server) can be configured with --get-downlink-data-delay or GET_DOWNLINK_DATA_DELAY environment variable


  • Fix duplicated gateway MAC in application-server and network-controller API call



  • Fix crash when node has ADR enabled, but it is disabled in LoRa Server



  • Adaptive data-rate support. See features for information about ADR. Note:

    • LoRa App Server 0.2.0 or higher is required
    • ADR is currently only implemented for the EU 863-870 ISM band
    • This is an experimental feature


  • Validate RX2 data-rate (this was causing a panic)



  • This release fixes a FCnt related security issue. Instead of keeping the uplink FCnt value in sync with the FCnt of the uplink transmission, it is incremented (uplink FCnt + 1) after it has been processed by LoRa Server.


  • Fix regression that caused a FCnt roll-over to result in an invalid MIC error. This was caused by validating the MIC before expanding the 16 bit FCnt to the full 32 bit value. (thanks @andrepferreira)


  • Relax frame-counter option.


  • Implement China 470-510 ISM band.
  • Improve logic to decide which gateway to use for downlink transmission.


  • Fix multiple LoRa Server instances processing the same gateway payloads (resulting in the gateway count multiplied by the number of LoRa Server instances).


This release decouples the node "inventory" part from LoRa Server. This introduces some breaking (API) changes, but in the end this will make it easier to integrate LoRa Server into your own platform as you're not limited anymore by it's datastructure.


Between all LoRa Server project components gRPC is used for communication. Optionally, this can be secured by (client) certificates. The RESTful JSON api and api methods to manage channels, applications and nodes has been removed from LoRa Server. The node-session api methodds are still part of LoRa Server, but are only exposed by gRPC.


An application-server component and API was introduced to be responsible for the "inventory" part. This component is called by LoRa Server when a node tries to join the network, when data is received and to retrieve data for downlink transmissions.

The inventory part has been migrated to a new project called LoRa App Server. See it's changelog for instructions how to migrate.


As components have been dropped and introduced, you'll probably need to update your LoRa Server configuration.


Before upgrading, make sure you have a backup of all data in the PostgreSQL and Redis database!


  • Implement receive window (RX1 or RX2) and RX2 data-rate option in node and node-session API (and web-interface).


  • Fix overwriting existing node-session (owned by different DevEUI) (thanks @iBrick)


  • Implement (optional) JWT token authentication and authorization for the gRPC and RESTful JSON API. See api documentation.
  • Implement support for TLS
  • Serve the web-interface, RESTful interface and gRPC interface on the same port (defined by --http-bind). When TLS is disabled, the gRPC interface is served from a different port (defined by --grpc-insecure-bind).
  • Fix: delete node-session (if it exists) on node delete


  • Fix Swagger base path.


  • Fix cli.ActionFunc deprecation warning.


WARNING: if you're using the JSON-RPC interface, this will be a breaking upgrade, as the JSON-RPC API has been replaced by a gRPC API.

In order to keep the possiblity to access the API from web-based applications (e.g. the web-interface), a RESTful JSON API has been implemented on top of the gRPC API (using grpc-gateway).

Please refer to the LoRa Server documentation for more information:


  • Validate the join-request DevEUI belongs to the given AppEUI
  • Implement Node.FlushTXPayloadQueue API method
  • Update GatewayStatsPacket struct (CustomData and TXPacketsEmitted, to be implemented by the lora-gateway-bridge).


  • Bugfix: 'fix unknown channel for frequency' error when using custom-channels (CFList) (thanks @arjansplit)


  • Implement network-controller backend
  • Implement support for sending and receiving MAC commands (no support for proprietary commands yet)
  • Refactor test scenarios
  • Web-interface: nodes can now be accessed from the applications tab (nodes button)

Note: You need to update to LoRa Semtech Bridge 2.0.1+ or 1.1.4+ since it fixes a mac command related marshaling issue.


  • Complete join-accept payload with:
    • RXDelay
    • DLSettings (RX2 data-rate and RX1 data-rate offset)
    • CFList (optional channel-list, see LoRaWAN specs to see if this option is available for your region)

All values can be set / created throught the API or web-interface


  • Band configuration must now be specified with the --band argument (no more separate binaries per ism band)
  • RX info notifications (application/[AppEUI]/node/[DevEUI]/rxinfo)


  • Implement various notifications to the application:
    • Node join accept (application/[AppEUI]/node/[DevEUI]/join)
    • Errors (e.g. max payload size exceeded) (application/[AppEUI]/node/[DevEUI]/error)
    • ACK of confirmed data down (application/[AppEUI]/node/[DevEUI]/ack)
  • Handle duplicated downlink payloads (when running multiple LoRa Server instances each server is receiving the TXPayload from MQTT, just one needs to handle it)
  • New ISM bands:
    • US 902-928 band (thanks @gzwsc2007 for testing)
    • AU 915-928 band (thanks @Mehradzie for implementing and testing)
  • Fix: use only one receive-window (thanks @gzwsc2007)


  • Expose RX RSSI (signal strength) to application
  • Provide binaries for multiple platforms


Note: this release is incompatible with lora-semtech-bridge <= 1.0.1

  • Replaced hardcoded tx related settings by lorawan/band defined variables
  • Minor changes to TX / RX structs
  • Change gateway encoding to json (from gob encoding)
  • Source-code re-structure (internal code is now under internal/..., exported packet related structs are now under models/...)


  • Update mqtt vendor to fix various connection issues
  • Fix shutting down server when mqtt server is unresponsive


  • Implement confirmed data up
  • Implement (confirmed) data down
  • Implement graceful shutdown
  • Re-subscribe on mqtt connection error (thanks @Magicking)
  • Fix FCnt input bug in web-interface (number was casted to a string, which was rejected by the API)


  • Bugfix related to FCnt increment (thanks @ivajloip)


  • MQTT topics updated (node/[DevEUI]/rx is now application/[AppEUI]/node/[DevEUI]/rx)
  • Restructured RPC API (per domain)
  • Auto generated API docs (in web-interface)


  • lorawan packet was updated (with MType fix)


  • Web-interface for application and node management
  • LoRa Server is now a single binary with embedded migrations and static files


  • Initial release